Key phone numbers

The most important telephone numbers in Budapest

We have collected which phone numbers you may need when visiting Budapest.

Phone numbers for English speaking operators:

General emergency call: 112

An emergency number can be called in all 27 Member States of the European Union. If you are in trouble or at the scene of an accident, call this number. Stay in line until the police, firefighters or ambulances arrive so the dispatcher can help you until help arrives.

Tourist Police (0-24): 06-1-438-8080


Nonstop medical help in english (Falck SOS Hungary): 06-1-2400-475

Non-stop pharmacy: Budapest VI. ker, Teréz krt 41. (telefon: 06-1-311-4439)


Ferihegy airport

  • Budapest Ferihegy Airport (flight information): 06-1-296-7000
  • Interest in lost packages, terminal 2A: 06-1-296-8108, 06-1-296-7217
  • Interest in lost packages, terminal 2B: 06-1-296-7690, 06-1-295-3480
  • Ferihegy Terminal 2A – arrivals: 06-1-296-8000
  • Ferihegy Terminal 2A – departures: 06-1-296-7000
  • Ferihegy Terminal 2B – arrivals: 06-1-296-5052
  • Ferihegy Terminal 2B – departures: 06-1-296-5883

If you are driving a rental car and there is an accident or breakdown:

Car Club Emergency Call: 188

Taxi companies:

6×6 Taxi: +36-1-666-6666

Budapest Taxi: 4-333-333

City Taxi: 2-111-111

Főtaxi: 2- 222-222

Max Taxi: 2-222-333

MB Elit Taxi: 232-32-32

Taxi 2000: 2-000-000

Taxi4: 4-444-444

Taxi Plus: 7-888-999


Lost passport, document:

Budapest and Pest County Directorate of the Office of Immigration and Citizenship.

Address: 1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 60.

Tel: 463-9100

Reporting a stolen passport to the police: 107 or 112